Google Earth Engine as WMS Layer - Using Python API

Published on Apr 02, 2020 | Bikesh Bade | 5330 Views

The Google Earth Engine (GEE) Python API facilitates interacting with Earth Engine servers using the Python programming language. It is available as a Python package that can be installed locally or within the cloud and accessed from a command-line interpreter or within a Jupyter notebook.


Set up Python API for GEE and continue following 


The Python API provides a programmatic and flexible interface to Earth Engine. It allows for automating batch processing tasks, piping Earth Engine processed data to Python packages for post-processing and leveraging the power of the command line.


The Python API package is called ee. It must also be initialized for every new session and script.


# import Google earth engine module
import ee

#Authenticate the Google earth engine with google account


To render GEE Tile Layers in python API, there is a python library called Folium which helps create the interactive map based on Leaflet JS. Install Folium as PIP


pip install folium


Now import Folium and set the satellite image to get an interactive map with GEE WMS 


#import module
import folium

#Define year
startyear = 2019;
endyear = 2019;

#Create the Date object
startdate = ee.Date.fromYMD(startyear,1,1);
enddate = ee.Date.fromYMD(endyear,12,1);

# Define a method for displaying Earth Engine image tiles on a folium map.
def add_ee_layer(self, ee_object, vis_params, name):
        # display ee.Image()
        if isinstance(ee_object, ee.image.Image):    
            map_id_dict = ee.Image(ee_object).getMapId(vis_params)
            tiles = map_id_dict['tile_fetcher'].url_format,
            attr = 'Google Earth Engine',
            name = name,
            overlay = True,
            control = True
        print("Could not display {}".format(name))
# Add EE drawing method to folium.
folium.Map.add_ee_layer = add_ee_layer

#modis Data for NDVI
dataset = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MOD13Q1').filter(,enddate)).first()
modisndvi ='NDVI')

# Set visualization parameters.
visParams = { 'min': 0.0,
  'max': 8000.0,
  'palette': [
    'FFFFFF', 'CE7E45', 'DF923D', 'F1B555', 'FCD163', '99B718', '74A901',
    '66A000', '529400', '3E8601', '207401', '056201', '004C00', '023B01',
    '012E01', '011D01', '011301'

# Create a folium map object.
my_map = folium.Map(location=[28.5973518, 83.54495724], zoom_start=6, height=500)

# Add the data to the map object.
my_map.add_ee_layer(modisndvi, visParams, 'Modis NDVI')

# Display the map.


In the above code, Modis NDVI is generated for the year 2019 and displayed in the interactive map with the folium module. To generate HTML output of the above result use:'index.html')



Going good! Keep up the work!

  • Apr 19, 2020 |

Neuro Salvador da Silva Junior

Muito bom, parabens pelo trabalho desenvolvido, teria como exportar para uma saida .wms?

  • Jun 06, 2020 |

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